backlinks services

Backlinks: – Meaning, Types, And Their Importance For SEO

In this blog, we will tell you about the meaning of backlinks. In addition, you will also get to learn about different types of backlinks Services and their importance for search engine optimization. So… let’s start.

What Are Backlinks?

  • Links on your website that point to another website are referred to as backlinks. Inbound links or external links are terms that can be interchangeably used for backlinks.
  • Various search engines, like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., consider backlinks votes of confidence. This is because it signifies that when you have a link that points to another website, you are basically vouching for it.
  • This is why pages with a good amount of backlinks often rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages. Additionally, this rank keeps increasing if the backlinks are from trusted and authoritative sources.

Types of Backlinks

Various types of backlinks are used for search engine optimization. Some of them are listed above-

  1. Dofollow Links
  2. Nofollow Links
  3. Sponsored or Paid Links
  4. User-Generated Content Links(UGC)
  5. Editorially Placed Links
  6. Link Schemes

Why Are Backlinks Services Important for SEO?

There are various reasons why backlinks services hold great importance for SEO. Some of them are listed below.

  • Backlinks help you Improve your website’s ranking
  • They boost your credibility
  • Backlinks help Google find new pages
  • Backlinks directly send referral traffic to your site

Let us now study these points in detail.

 1. Backlinks help you improve your website’s ranking.
  • According to a study conducted in 2017, it was proved that backlinks are an important factor considered by Google. According to Google, backlinks are undoubtedly the most important signals for ranking content.
  • Now you must be aware of the viewpoint of Google for backlinks service . As a result, there develops a strong correlation between websites, high-quality backlinks, and higher rankings.
  • You might have tons of backlinks for your website. But they do not hold even one percent importance if they are from spammy, low-quality websites. On the other hand, having only a few backlinks from websites that have great DA(domain authority) and are relevant to your website will have a positive impact on it.
  • Let’s understand this with a simple example: suppose that there is a website related to food. In this case, would you trust a link from any food blog or recipe blog more than a link from the Culinary Institute of America? So… did you get your answer?

Additional tip: we recommend you also pay attention to your referring domains.

  • Referring domains can be defined as the total number of links to your website. The maximum number of referring domains you have, the maximum your website is considered as E-A-T( expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness).
  • Hence, it can be concluded that backlinks help you improve your website’s ranking on search engine result pages.
  2. Backlinks help Google find new pages.
  • Backlinks are the key factor that helps Google find your content more easily. Once your content is indexed in Google’s database, the backlinks navigate it toward your content. Hence, it can be concluded that backlinks also act as a navigator to the audience.
  • Lately, Google will follow the backlink that redirects to your page. It will then, and there, crawl your website page and discover and inspect all the backlinks present on that page.
  • Hence, this directly means that backlinks can also be used to make an internal linking strategy. This means that you can interlink your website pages with each other. As a result, once it gets on your site, Google will follow a backlink to your website and continue to follow the internal links to new pages.
  • This is a crucial way of making Google understand your website’s structure.
  • Google will crawl your website and additional index those pages. This will make your pages more likely to appear at the top of search results
  3. Backlinks directly send referral traffic to your site

Have you heard about the term Referral Reward? Yes, referral traffic is similar to it. The traffic from people who got redirected to your website via another website is known as referral traffic. In simple words, referral traffic is the traffic of people who visit your website without searching for it on Google. Sources like mentions, advertisements, backlinks, etc. referred them to your website.

There are numerous benefits of referral traffic. Some of them include the following:

  • Increased brand awareness and recognition
  • Introduction to new demographics/audiences
  • Added opportunities to aim for quality leads
  • Improved domain authority from backlinks

New referral traffic can bring interested users to your site, which could lead to new customers. Google Analytics will help you in checking your referral traffic. Follow the listed procedure. Open the left-side navigation and then; “Acquisition” > “All Traffic” > “Referrals” Keep in mind that you will get to see your referral traffic over time. You will also get to see a table listing all external sources that contribute to sending users to your website.



With the above information, backlinks are significant for search engine optimization. Hence, acquire as many backlinks services  as possible because they will help your website rank higher on search engine result pages. We hope you found this blog helpful and enjoyed reading it. If you want help with backlinks or any other SEO-related work, don’t hesitate to contact Kito Infocom. We are one of the best digital marketing Agency.

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